I feel so tired and down all the time. Some of you are trying to decide if the thing you're stuck on is a gravity problem that isn't actionable, or just a really, really hard problem that will require effort and sacrifice and runs a high risk of failure but is worth trying. How can you do this? I'd walk on eggshells to keep from waking the sleeping dragon, and I learned to shapeshift and modify my True Self to adjust to my parents' emotional states. And then I inevitably ask, 'But, how does it get there? The projections on the surface of the cell are like tiny fishing rods. What if your mind was your greatest asset? She moved to Wyoming when she was three years old, and she's felt like an outsider on the reservation there. The surgery had wiped out his tiny savings and then some. It was the first twinges of inauthenticity starting to erode me from the inside like the acid frothing from a battery. Laughter is such potent medi...